How To Create xAPI-compliant Courses With Avina

In today's digital age, tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of learning has become more critical than ever. The xAPI (Experience API) standard was developed to overcome the limitations of older standards, offering a more flexible and data-rich approach to collecting information about the learning process.

This article will guide you step-by-step through creating an xAPI-compliant course with Avina Authoring Tool, helping you better understand xAPI and how to apply it in practice.


Create xAPI-Compliant Courses With Avina Authoring Tool

Avina Authoring Tool empowers you to create flexible, customizable courses and effectively track each learner's progress thanks to xAPI.

- Ease of use and efficiency: Avina Authoring Tool's authoring tool lets you quickly and easily produce professional courses. Its intuitive interface and xAPI support enable you to create interactive, engaging, and effective lessons.

- Flexibility and customization: Avina is the perfect solution for creating unique courses to meet any need. Its high degree of customization allows you to design diverse and creative lessons.


Why Use xAPI With Avina?

- Detailed tracking: Gain a deeper understanding of learner behavior.

- Personalization: Create tailored learning experiences for each individual.

- Effective assessment: Accurately measure learning outcomes.

- Integration with other systems: Connect with learning management systems (LMS), data analytics systems, and more.


Steps To Create An xAPI-Compliant Course

Lesson designers can follow the steps below in order to design a xAPI-compliant lesson with Avina.

1. Understand Your Goals And Audience:

- Determine what you want to track and assess.

- Identify your course's target learners.

2. Choose An Authoring Tool:

- xAPI support: Does the tool support publishing content in xAPI format? Does it offer features for creating xAPI statements?

- Features: Does the tool meet your course creation requirements?

- Interface: Is the user interface friendly and easy to use?

3. Design Your Course:

- Identify interaction points: What actions need to be tracked? For example, watching videos, completing exercises, interacting with on-screen elements.

- Use interactive elements: Employ built-in components in your authoring tool to create interaction points.

4. Configure xAPI:

- Create events: When an event occurs (e.g., a learner clicks the "Complete" button), an event is triggered.

- Assign xAPI information:

+ Actor: Who performed the action (e.g., learner's email)

+ Verb: What action was performed (e.g., completed, attempted, passed)

+ Object: What object was affected (e.g., slide name, quiz)

+ Context: The context of the action (e.g., course name, module name)

Example: When a learner completes a quiz, you can configure an event like this:

Actor: {{}}

Verb: completed

Object: quiz_1

Context: my_course

5. Test And Publish:

- Test events: Ensure events are triggered correctly and xAPI information is sent accurately.

- Publish in xAPI format: Export your course as an xAPI package (usually a .zip file containing JSON files).

6. Integrate With An LRS:

- Choose an LRS: Many free and paid LRS options are available. Choose based on your needs and budget.

- Configure the LRS: Set up the LRS to receive data from your course.

- Check data: Verify that data has been sent to the LRS and is in the correct format.

7. Analyze Data:

- Use analytics tools: Utilize analytics tools provided by the LRS or third-party tools to analyze xAPI data.

- Retrieve data: Access data to answer questions such as: How much time do learners spend on each lesson? Which parts are most challenging?



xAPI opens up new possibilities for creating and evaluating e-learning courses. By following these guidelines, you can develop interactive, engaging, and more effective courses. Want to create professional xAPI-compliant eLearning courses that are compatible with multiple LMS platforms? Contact us today to experience the Avina Authoring Tool.